Friday, November 9, 2012

what inspires you?

blogging fever has hit team onestroke! our coach blogs, i blog and of course, a couple of the paddlers blog as well. blogging is not as tough as it seems, you just need to be inspired. find something (or someone) to be your muse and furiously type away.

as the team manager, the road is often lonely and tough. there is often much to do yet much that cannot be said. i operate the team on a need-to-know basis. unless sharing a problem can help in solving in it, i will just keep it to myself. however, it is difficult and many times, one does want to throw in the towel. 

yet i return.

perhaps that is the magic of being in the team. onestroke has created an environment that constantly inspires. each individual gives up a part of them to turn up at training, be it land or water. that says a lot, especially if you hear of the crazy schedules that we sometimes lead. 

as the management goes on break and a large number within the team train for the upcoming penang race, it is my prayer that we do not cease inspiring each other to do better. after a long day, when you feel that you have nothing more, just tell yourself: 10% more! train hard, fight easy! after that, strap on your shoes and go for a run... =)


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