Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Words from Coach

Hi Team,

I trust that you have enjoyed yourself in the orientation row that was conducted last Sunday.

To the new members of the team, I hope that you have a basic idea of what dragonboating is all about.

Moving on, let me emphasize once again. (seniors inclusive), we are a competitive team and I am sure in order to bring this team to the next level; commitment & fitness is demanded from each and every team member.

As coach, it brings me with thousands apologies to inform the team that I will be away for dragonboat race in CHINA from 11 June 2008 to 16 June 2008. During this period, Kai Jay will be standing in on my absense to conduct the training sessions. So therefore enjoy the honeymoon period while you can before the real training begins! :D

Therefore, my direction for the new rowers and the team dur ing my absense are to enjoy yourself, get around and know the seniors, understand the strength and capability of your new found mates in the team.

I am looking forward in meeting the team on the 21st or 22nd of June 2008.



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